What is a Pulmonary Sequestration?

A pulmonary sequestration, also known as a bronchopulmonary sequestration or a cystic lung lesion, is a medical condition where a piece of tissue that develops into lung tissue is not attached to the pulmonary blood supply and does not communicate with the other lung tissue. Often it gets its blood supply from the thoracic aorta. Communication is a medical phrase indicating that it is not connected to the standard bronchial airways and that it performs no function in respiration.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulmonary_sequestration

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Sign on Hope

This weekend I had planned to do my regular routine; sit on the couch and watch T.V. Since I usually didn't have the energy to do any other the other things I would normally do, this is what I was planning on doing.

But, on Saturday I mentally had this ambition to do 7 loads of laundry at the laundry mat. Maybe it was the frustration of having dirty clothes, sheets, etc. but I just had to do it. I knew it would be a huge task and it would hurt later. But, I had to try. I was right. It was exhausting, but emotionally worth it. It felt so good to feel like I was accomplishing something. I could feel the endorphines kicking in.

Then later that night, I got the same burst of energy. But this time I felt more "in shape" to tackle it. So I cleaned upstairs REALLY good, and it felt great to do!

When, I woke up today I hoped I would have the same energy and that progress was being made, rather than the day before being just a fluke. I was right again! I woke up and cooked my family breakfast, took a shower, and actually had enough energy left over to blow dry my hair and flat iron it.

Oh yeah ... and I finally laid on my right side for about 15 minutes today! Woo Hoo!! I love the direction this is going!

1 comment:

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