What is a Pulmonary Sequestration?

A pulmonary sequestration, also known as a bronchopulmonary sequestration or a cystic lung lesion, is a medical condition where a piece of tissue that develops into lung tissue is not attached to the pulmonary blood supply and does not communicate with the other lung tissue. Often it gets its blood supply from the thoracic aorta. Communication is a medical phrase indicating that it is not connected to the standard bronchial airways and that it performs no function in respiration.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulmonary_sequestration

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I See the Light

Well, I am about 3 weeks from my next doctor's appointment; the one that I believe will release me to go back to work. Mentally I am ready to go back to work because I miss seeing my co-workers and socializing with them. But, physically I feel nervous. I know that it will be an adjustment and I feel like it will take me awhile to get back to my old self. I am also excited because I am treating it as a new start to my life.

Emotionally I feel depressed sometimes. I think it is partially because I don't have my daily routine and accomplishments like I had. Some days I feel happy and beautiful and other days (like today) I just want to cry because I feel useless. I find myself getting angry with my husband when he wants to go out with his friends. I normally would never get upset. But, I think it has to do with me being jealous that he has a life and I don't. I miss feeling needed, being recognized, saying hello to people in the hall, etc.

Also, I started to notice that my skin was breaking out a lot. I normally have pretty good skin. So, I was doing some reading and I realized that I haven't been sitting out in the sun at all, and read that lack of sun (vitamin D) can cause acne. So, today I made sure to sit outside for awhile each day and I think I am starting to get my skin back.