What is a Pulmonary Sequestration?

A pulmonary sequestration, also known as a bronchopulmonary sequestration or a cystic lung lesion, is a medical condition where a piece of tissue that develops into lung tissue is not attached to the pulmonary blood supply and does not communicate with the other lung tissue. Often it gets its blood supply from the thoracic aorta. Communication is a medical phrase indicating that it is not connected to the standard bronchial airways and that it performs no function in respiration.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulmonary_sequestration

Monday, September 20, 2010

Surgery Day

Today is the day I had my surgery. I was blessed to have the company of my husband and my best friend. When I first got there, they put me in a temporary room where I put on my gown, did some blood work, and answered some questions about my health history.

I could feel the nerves start to get the best of me. That is the worst thing that I do; I think too much. So they allowed me to have one Xanax to ease my nerves a bit. It helped a lot. The next moment they come in and tell me that it is time to go. They wheeled me through some halls and then I kissed my husband before I went in. Then, they stopped my bed right in front of the operating room. I was so happy that they didn't bring me in there. I think seeing all of that equipment would overwhelm me. So, I see the Dr walking down the hall to say hello and to write on my left side. I guess this is to ensure me that they will operate on the correct side. He smiled and assured me that I was in good hands. I remember a lady there holding my hand and telling me that everything will be alright and to put my trust in god. Then, the anesthesiologist arrived and introduced himself and told me that he was going to give me my cocktail. That was the last moment I remember before surgery.

My surgery took 3 hours and was completely successful. My memory is a little fuzzy on the after surgery part. But, I do remember waking up and feeling the difference in my breathing already. I was actually laying on my left side and I had NO congestion. This was a first for a long time! Then, I remember them saying that my blood pressure was getting really low and they needed to take me off a certain medicine. I normally always have low pressure so this didn't surprise me.

Then, they wheeled me into my room. It was the cute guy that my best friend and I were talking about earlier! LOL. I remember telling him that he smelled good LOL. As, he was wheeling me around I felt really dizzy. I remember feeling the cool air of the AC vent as I was wheeled into my room. I asked him to stop right there for just a moment so I could make the dizzyness go away. After that, I went to sleep and that is all I remember of that day.

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