But, on Saturday I mentally had this ambition to do 7 loads of laundry at the laundry mat. Maybe it was the frustration of having dirty clothes, sheets, etc. but I just had to do it. I knew it would be a huge task and it would hurt later. But, I had to try. I was right. It was exhausting, but emotionally worth it. It felt so good to feel like I was accomplishing something. I could feel the endorphines kicking in.
Then later that night, I got the same burst of energy. But this time I felt more "in shape" to tackle it. So I cleaned upstairs REALLY good, and it felt great to do!
When, I woke up today I hoped I would have the same energy and that progress was being made, rather than the day before being just a fluke. I was right again! I woke up and cooked my family breakfast, took a shower, and actually had enough energy left over to blow dry my hair and flat iron it.
Oh yeah ... and I finally laid on my right side for about 15 minutes today! Woo Hoo!! I love the direction this is going!